Castle By The Sea

Doolin, Ireland: A Solo Adventure on the Way Back from the Cliffs of Moher

Doonagore Castle

Doonagore Castle


As a solo traveler, I've learned to embrace the freedom and independence that comes with traveling alone, and one of my most cherished adventures was a detour on the way back from the Cliffs of Moher to the charming coastal town of Doolin, Ireland in January.

This small town in the heart of the Emerald Isle holds a special place in my heart, offering stunning landscapes, rich history, and a welcoming community that made me feel right at home.

The highlight of my visit was the stunning Doonagore Castle, a 16th-century castle that sits atop a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Although the castle is privately owned and not accessible to the public, its exterior alone was a sight to behold. I was transported back in time as I stood on the hill and gazed out at the magnificent scenery of the rolling green hills and the stunning seascape. The landscape was dotted with sheep, grazing on the lush green pastures, and ancient ring forts that once served as defensive structures, adding to the historic charm of the area.

After exploring the castle, I took a leisurely stroll through the countryside, taking in the beauty of the rolling hills and the stunning seascape. The landscape was dotted with sheep, grazing on the lush green pastures, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquility as I took it all in. I was struck by how different the landscape was from the bustling cities I was used to, and I found a sense of calm and stillness that I had never experienced before.

One of the most enjoyable parts of my trip was the sense of community I found in Doolin. The locals were incredibly friendly and welcoming, and I was struck by how much they valued their rich cultural heritage. I enjoyed chatting with the locals and learning about the history of their land and their families. Their kindness and hospitality made me feel like I was part of their community, even though I was only there for a short time.

At night, I was treated to the traditional Irish music that Doolin is famous for. The lively music sessions in the local pubs like McGann's Pub was a perfect way to end each day, surrounded by locals and travelers alike, all enjoying the traditional tunes and each other's company. I was blown away by the talent of the musicians and the energy of the crowd, and I couldn't help but dance along to the lively beat.

In conclusion, my detour to Doolin, Ireland was a true adventure. From exploring the stunning Doonagore Castle and the rolling green hills to experiencing the warm hospitality of the local community, I was left with memories that I will never forget. If you're looking for a adventure filled with history, culture, and breathtaking scenery, look no further than Doolin, Ireland.


A Drink Precedes a Story.