Epic Circumnavigation

A High-Flying Odyssey Around the Globe

Dear fellow adventurers and seekers of the extraordinary,

Prepare yourselves for a tale of epic proportions, a whirlwind journey that took me from the misty shores of Portland to the bustling streets of London, the romantic boulevards of Paris, the vibrant markets of Bangkok, and beyond. Strap in and hold on tight as we embark on a high-flying odyssey around the globe!

Our adventure begins in the City of Roses, where I boarded a flight bound for the City of Angels. From the moment I stepped into the sleek confines of LAX, I could feel the electricity in the air, the anticipation of the adventures that lay ahead. After a leisurely layover in the spectacular Qantas lounge, I boarded my American Airlines flight to London, my heart aflutter with excitement.

Touching down in Heathrow, I wasted no time in immersing myself in the rich tapestry of London life. My accommodation may have been little more than a closet in the basement, but the warmth and hospitality of the hosts more than made up for it. After paying homage to the iconic Abbey Road, I found solace and camaraderie in my favorite pub, The Churchill Arms, where pints flowed freely and laughter filled the air.

But the dawn of a new day brought with it new adventures, and I found myself hurtling through the English countryside on a Eurostar train bound for the City of Light: Paris. My first foray into the land of croissants and café au lait was nothing short of exhilarating, as I navigated the rain-soaked streets on a rented bicycle, chasing the fleeting shadows of romance and adventure.

Drafting off a trash truck and sharing a smoke with a fellow traveler may seem like small moments in the grand scheme of things, but to me, they were the essence of travel: unexpected, unscripted, and utterly unforgettable. And as night fell over the City of Love, I stood in awe of the majestic Eiffel Tower, its twinkling lights a beacon of hope and inspiration in the darkness.

But our journey was far from over, dear friends. With a heavy heart and a sense of wanderlust burning bright within me, I bid adieu to Paris and boarded a Finnair flight bound for Bangkok, the gateway to the East. A brief layover in the bustling Thai capital was but a prelude to the wonders that awaited me in Chiang Mai, where a week of scooter riding, Muay Thai boxing, and culinary delights awaited.

As I soared high above the clouds on a Japan Airlines flight bound for San Francisco, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer magnitude of our planet, and the countless adventures that await those brave enough to seek them out. For in a world where distance has been reduced to mere numbers on a screen, there is something truly magical about traversing the globe in one continuous loop, experiencing the full spectrum of human experience along the way.

In the words of the great Mark Twain, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." And indeed, my friends, as we journeyed from continent to continent, we were reminded time and time again of the boundless beauty and diversity of our world, and the unbreakable spirit of those who call it home.

So here's to the dreamers, the adventurers, and the wanderers of the world. May your journeys be long, your spirits be indomitable, and your hearts forever open to the wonders that lie just beyond the horizon.

Until we meet again, may your travels be filled with joy, discovery, and a healthy dose of wanderlust.

Yours in exploration,

Isaac - The Traveling Mustache


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